WATERSCAPES Research Group Members

Here we are! 


  • Prof. Enrica Caporali, PhD             
                                                                            Prof. Enrica Caporali                                                                            
    • Associate Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures at University of Florence, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Chair of the Board of Teachers of Degree Courses in the field of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (4 MSc and 2 BSc). Associate of UNESCO Chair on “Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geo-Hydrological Hazards” and in this context coordinator of the MSc in Geoengineering. Scientific Coordinator of the Spatial Data Laboratory LDT - DICEA. Her research fields are water resources management and flood risk mitigation, also with reference to cultural heritage protection, water-energy-food nexus and water related ecosystem services, environment monitoring and protection, hydrological extreme events, hydro-sedimentological modeling at river basin scale.
  • Eng. Tommaso Pacetti, PhD
    • Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Florence - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DICEA). His research is mainly focused on water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus and ecosystem services assessment
  • Eng. Marco Lompi, PhD
                                                                            Marco Lompi                                                                            
    • Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Florence - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DICEA). His research is focused on the impact of climate change on extreme weather and flood risk.
  • Eng. Gabriele Bertoli
                                                                            Gabriele Bertoli                                                                            
    • PhD student in the International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering program, at the University of Florence - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DICEA). His research is focused on natural hazards, ecosystem services, and multi-risk assessment, especially flood risk, applying innovative techniques and artificial intelligence. Waterscapes webmaster. 
  • Eng. Jerome El Jeitany
                                                                            Jerome El Jeitany                                                                            
    • PhD student in the International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering program, at the University of Florence - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DICEA). His research is focused on water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus, spatial-temporal data modelling, and watershed management. 
  • Dott. Noemi Mannucci
                                                                            Noemi Mannucci                                                                            
    • PhD student in the National Doctoral Program in Earth Observation at the University of Florence. Her research focuses on ecosystem services and the use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence for watercourses management.
  • Dott. Bianca Maria Rizzo


  • Visiting students
    • Eng. Alessandro Giuliano
                                                                            Alessandro Giuliano                                                                            
      • Degree in Civil and Territorial Engineering, Research Scholarship at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Florence (UNIFI). Currently working on “Hydrological-hydraulic modelling, study of river dynamics and solid transport of the Orcia River” (since September 2023) supported by a partnership between DICEA and Consorzio di Bonifica 6 Toscana Sud.
  • Other collaborations
      • Dr. Tiziana Pileggi, PhD          
                                                                            Tiziana Pileggi                                                                            
      • Technical manager of the GeoSpatial Data Laboratory at the University of Florence - Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DICEA). PhD in Geomatics and Geographic Information Systems. Her scientific interests concern the processing of geospatial data to define reference frameworks aimed at monitoring and controlling the interaction of the environmental system with human systems, assessing impacts, and designing actions to mitigate them. She has also worked on projects involving geohistorical spatial analysis and historical GIS.

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